A.4.1 Workshop on University Autonomy Regulations hosted by University of Prishtina

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On June 10th, the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” in the framework of the project “Strengthening university autonomy and increasing accountability and transparency in the universities of the Western Balkans ” STAND hosted the workshop on University Autonomy Regulations, during which the regulations of university autonomy were discussed.

Present at the opening of the workshop was the rector of the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, prof. dr. Naser Sahiti. In his speech, Rector Sahiti said that this event, as well as the theme of this project, are very important, as independence and institutional autonomy are among the main objectives and challenges of the University of Prishtina and all other public universities in Kosovo.

Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for International Cooperation of UP, prof. asoc. dr. Albulena Blakaj, at the same time coordinator of the STAND project for UP, in her opening speech, stressed that a lot of work has been done within the project, in extracting data on university autonomy in Kosovo and the region (Albania and Montenegro). According to Vice Rector Blakaj, these data have created the basis for improving and harmonizing laws and regulations in higher education.

The director of IBC-M, prof. dr. Mihone Kerolli, spoke about the implementation of the project so far and its further steps. Meanwhile, for the improvement of the regulations of university autonomy and other activities foreseen within the project, spoke also prof. Agron Hajdari from IBC-M.

During the workshop, UP professor, prof. dr. Avdulla Alija, presented the results from the analysis on the regulation of university autonomy, challenges and opportunities. He presented the findings from the measurement chart of university autonomy and stressed the need to harmonize the Law on Higher Education with other laws, in particular with the Law on Finance.

The workshop continued with other presentations by representatives of partner university from UniFg, Prof. dr. Sandro Stallone, Responsible of Spin-off office at the University of Foggia, who presented the topic “Academic entrepreneurship opportunities at UniFg: how to constitute a spin-off”. The workshop was followed by a discussion by those present in the hall and virtually.

STAND is a project co-financed by the Erasmus + program and the European Union. The aim of the STAND project is to improve the processes and mechanisms of autonomy in universities, by increasing the managerial, accountable and transparent capacities in the universities of the Western Balkans (Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania).

https://uni-pr.edu/page.aspx?id=1,37,1675 (The article in Albanian)


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